This weekend I have spent almost every moment in my house...scrubbing, sweeping, sweating. Lots of sweating! Although I've known this for quite some time, this weekend just solidified the fact that a "Charlie" woman I am not! I don't do it all very well!
But oh how I want to do it all, as that silly commercial from the 70's plays in my head. I can't remember the last time I fried bacon, but this weekend I threw away some nasty gone bad asparagus! The whole refrigerator stunk! Who knew asparagus could smell like that! I cleaned my daughter's bed room and threw away 5 filled-to-the brim trash bags. I have been traveling for the past three trash days...the trash people are gonna love me this week!
If I could create the "Charlie Woman" she would still bring home the bacon, but there would be enough bacon to hire a cook, cleaner, lawn service, handyman, homework tutor...
I should stop praying for a husband, I think what I need is a wife!
Thanks to my dad for the cartoon below depicting my single mom life. Charlie I ain't!

Hannah was the first to view the finished cartoon. Her words to me, ..."that doesn’t look like me and my mama can’t cook!" I feel your pain...that is... as your handyman, repairman, electrician and plumber.
I remember those days when that cartoon could have been me!! Even though I wasn't a single parent, I often felt like my husband was just one extra kid!! As a mom who has now entered the "Empty Nest" chapter of my life I can tell you that you MIGHT actually miss some of that craziness someday!! Enjoyed reading your blog...I'm glad that dad passed it on to me!
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