Monday, July 7, 2008

Memorizing Monday

I wish I could just rattle off scripture any ole' time I need it! I can usually fudge my way through quoting scripture, not word for word of course, and rarely with the reference attached. It usually goes something like this "Paul said, in one of his letters. I'm not sure which one, but it was definitely a letter Paul a church I think, anyway he said something about not being anxious, but we should pray with thanksgiving and give God our requests and His peace will fill us." Okay, that is not a good example because I actually do have that set of verses memorized word for word and even know the reference (Philippians 4:6-7). But I'm sure you get my point.

Parenting with scripture is an awesome thought! Your child comes to you with a problem and immediately you know what God's word says about said problem! That would be my desire. For example, let's say your lovely teenage daughter came to you and said some of her friends were making bad choices and were pressuring her to do the same. I'm sure there are many verses we could point her to, and if I had more memorized I would have more than one example. But, we could gently tell her that in 1Corinthians (a letter Paul wrote to a church!), Paul warns "Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character." But unless you had memorized 1Corinthians 15:33 you would not be able to point her to this particular truth; a truth that relates to her very relevant situation.

Or as you and your adolescent daughter are arguing about appropriate clothing, you could remind her that according to 1Timothy 2:9 a godly woman should "dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes". But again, if you did not have it memorized, the teachable moment would be lost.

WARNING: These are just for example, I do not begin to know how to actually parent teenagers yet!

So I thought I would memorize scripture via my blog. First it will keep me accountable and second, if any of you would like to join in please feel free to memorize my Monday scripture on your own! The plan is that every Monday I will post my weekly memory verse. I hope that by the end of the week it is committed to memory. There are lots of memory programs out there, but the one I like is to make a memory key ring. You put each scripture on a small card or piece of paper and hang them on a key ring. Carry the key ring with you and as you sit in traffic or at the doctor's office practice your verses from your memory ring!

The first official Memorizing Monday scripture is:

Psalm 119:11
I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

I thought this would be a great verse to begin since we are actually told to "hide His word in our hearts"! Happy Memorizing Monday!


Paula V said...

Oh, that's on my list also. I have a full sheet of paper with small font of many verses to memorize. I have the "master" list stuck in my purse (available at all times).

I've discovered that the best way for me is to use my dashboard. I've used that same sheet of paper and cut strips that hold about four verses. It fits lovely right into my dashboard below my speedometer.

I come across so many verses I want to memorize. I have several memorized with location also and then some are just the words and not the location.

It's wonderful. I wish I could be a genius for the mere fact of memorizing God's word.

Jennifer said...

I'm going to join you. I like that the first verse is short!

Anonymous said...

I am a big fan of notecards. I try to keep a stack of my notecards with favorite scriputres or snippets of wisdom in my purse.

I have made cards and put them on a ring also, and it works great!

I'll join you on Monday's!


Lelia Chealey said...

How did we not meet at She Speaks??? :(
This is a fantastic idea!! Wondering if you could somehow make a "button" for this? I think it would catch on. If you come up with something let me know & I'll add it to my blog.
I'll be joining you!

Ed of Lost and Found said...

Krista, I have been meaning to write praises to you about your writing talent, and your ability to witness to others from your everyday struggles. You surely will find a publisher to further your work. Hannah is a lucky child to have you.

krista said...


Thank you for your kind words, they mean a great deal to me!